Amor Ex Machina

Amor Ex Machina is a vertical slice of a 3D stealth / puzzle game done over the course of eight weeks by seven second-year game design students at Uppsala University.

More information about the game and the team can be found here.


Below, I have listed some of my responsibilities throughout the project as one of the team’s two programmers.


  • Main puzzle programmer

  • Core gameplay mechanics

  • Incorporated SFX and music

  • Animation and animation states

  • Created the save system

  • Tools programming, extending / customizing GUI as to ease the burden on the non-programming level designers.

  • Liason between level designers

  • Helping out with level design and design in general

  • Lighting / Shaders

  • Helped out with AI behavior and characteristics

  • Play-test

  • Quality control


Carnage 2021


Real-Time Graphics 2020